We deliver quality support and services to NDIS participants

With You

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is run by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA).

Driven By You

Including You understands that every individual is different and have different needs, which is why we are dedicated to working with the new system which provides an individualised and personalised approach to the supports and services you may require.

Including You

Should you be eligible for this kind of support, you will have a planner meet with you to discuss your supports, such as day to day needs and supports as well as goals and aspirations. You will then have the opportunity to select which agency you would like to support you. If you select Including You, we will sign a service agreement and work with you to understand what supports you require, and finally, match staff to you.

Why is the NDIS transitioning to PACE?

PACE was designed to offer an enhanced experience for both participants and providers, significantly reduce manual tasks and paperwork, and promote greater transparency between interactions.

It aims to empower participants to have more control over their plans and services, enabling them to make informed choices and actively engage in their NDIS journey.

The NDIS website has more details on the PACE roll-out and expected timeframes.

Have you chosen Including You?

If you would like to select Including You as the agency to support you, please fill in our intake form.